Yoga for Healing Backs Series (IN-PERSON, 10/1/24 - 10/29/24)
with Christy Fisher

October 1 (Tuesday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes

spots left
These workshops will be recorded and available for the duration of the series to view at your leisure even if you are not able to attend the live sessions.
Gentle Yoga can be life changing for people seeking relief and healing from low back pain. And yet not all yoga is the same. In these therapeutic workshops, you will have the opportunity to learn from a yoga and movement therapist with over 30 years of experience. Practices will be adapted for the floor, standing and/or seated in a chair.

We will:

1. Explore how to increase awareness and gently shift underlying postural and movement patterns that are often at the root of low back and sacrum pain.
2. Educate yourself about yoga practices that are helpful and others to avoid or to modify.
3. Learn gentle practices to strengthen the deep core and surrounding muscles that stabilize your lumbar spine and sacrum.
4. Gain strength and flexibility safely.
5. Experience deep relaxation that has far reaching effects on whole mind/body health!

This program is for people who live with chronic pain or who are at a point in injury recovery where their health care provider has recommended gentle therapeutic exercise. This is also an appropriate program for people who live with Osteoporosis in their spine and are looking for safe ways to strengthen and practice.


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